

Main area of research is the application of mathematical chaos theory to analyse periodic and chaotic respons in dynamical systems.


Aasen T.
The integrated optokinetic nystagmus inter-saccadic interval scales statistical different in a group of vertigo patients depended on the stimulation velocity, but not for healthy subjects.
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews. 2022, 16(01), 071–077.

Hyldgaard D, Schweder FJ, Ali Q, Heldal I, Knapstad MK, Aasen T.

Open Source Affordable Balance Testing based on a Nintendo Wii Balance Board.

The 9th IEEE International Conference on E-Health and Bioengineering - EHB 2021. Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Web Conference, Romania, November 18-19, 2021.

Aasen T.

Scaling properties of optokinetic nystagmus amplitude sequence.

Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering Vol.13 No.11,  November 16, 2020.

Martens C, Goplen FK, Aasen T, Gjestad R, Nordfalk KF, Nordahl SHG.
Treatment of horizontal canal BPPV -RCT comparing two therapeutic maneuvers of different speeds.
Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology. 2020;1–8.

Aasen T, Nordahl SHG, Goplen FK, Knapstad MK.

The Turning Point for Maintaining Balance.

(2019) J Diagn Tech Biomed Anal 8:1.


Martens C, Goplen FK3, Aasen T, Nordfalk KF, Nordahl SHG.

Dizziness handicap and clinical characteristics of posterior and lateral canal BPPV.

Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2019 Aug;276(8):2181-2189.

Aasen T, Nordahl SHG.

Physiological Time Series: Analyse and Remove the Drift in 1-2-3

Journal of Diagnostic Techniques and Biomedical Analysis

J Diagn Tech Biomed Anal 2017, 6:1

Martens C, Goplen FK, Nordfalk KF, Aasen T, Nordahl SH.

Prevalence and Characteristics of Positional Nystagmus in Normal Subjects.

Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2016; 154(5):861-7.

Hanne Storm, Kjersti Myhre, Torbjørn Aasen, Jan Mellembakken, Karl G. Rosén.

Application of Symbolic Dynamics in Fetus to Study Placental Insufficiency and Metabolic Acidosis.

Advanced Biomedical Bulletin, Vol 3, No 2 (2015).

Aasen T, Goplen F, Nordahl SHG.

Short-term information pattern in optokinetic nystagmus amplitude time series.

Journal of Vestibular research, 2013; 23, 2, 71-75.

Aasen T.

Symbolic Dynamics Applied to Optokinetic Nystagmus Signals.

Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology, 2003; 27, 4, 145-148.

Aasen T.

Chaos theory applied to the caloric response of the vestibular system.

Computers and Biomedical Research 26, 556-567 (1993).

Aasen T, Kugiumtzis D, Nordahl SHG.

Procedure for Estimating the Correlation Dimension of Optokinetic Nystagmus Signals.

Computers and Biomedical Research 30, 95 (1997).


Nordahl SHG, Aasen T, Risberg J, Molvær OI.

Balance Testing and Doppler Monitoring During Hyperbaric Exposure.

Aviat Space Environ Med. 2003 Apr;74(4):320-5.

Nordahl SHG, Aasen T,  Risberg J, Owe JO, Molvær OI,

Postural Control  and Venous Gas Bubble. Formation During Hypobaric Exposure.

Aviat Space Environ Med 2002;73:184-190.

Goplen FK, Aasen T, Grønning M, Molvær OI, Nordahl SH.

Hearing loss in divers: a 6-year prospective study.

Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2011 Jan 19.

Goplen FG, Grønning M, Aasen T, Nordahl SHG.

Vestibular effects of diving — a 6-year prospective study.

Occupational Medicine Advance Access published October 23, 2009.


Aasen T, Kugiumtzis D, Nordahl SHG.

Analysis of time-sampled data of optokinetic nystagmus with nonlinear methods.

Poster at International Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics, Fractality, and Selforganization of Complex Systems. Würzburg, Tyskland, 1-3 october, 1994.

Aasen T, Nordahl SHG, Molvær OI., Olofsson J.

Kaosteori i otonevrologisk diagnostikk.

Nor Med 1997; 112:352-5.

Goplen FK, Aasen T, Nordahl SH,

Postural control in a simulated saturation dive to 240 msw.

Undersea Hyperb Med 2007 Mar-Apr;34(2):123-30.

Nordahl SHG, Aasen T, Owe JO, Dyrkorn BM, Eidsvik S, Molvær OI.

Static Stabilometry and Repeated Testing in a Normal Population.

Aviation, Space and Enviromental Medicine 71: 889-93; 2000.

Nordahl SHG, Aasen T, Molvær OI.

Fractal Analysis of ENG-signals. Correlation Dimension Analysis.

Proceedings, Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh). Accepted.

Nordahl SHG, Aasen T, Owe JO, Molvær OI.

Effects of hypobaric hypoxia on postural control.

Aviation, Space and Enviromental Medicine 69 (6): 590-5; 1998.

Nordahl SHG, Aasen T, Molvær OI.

Balance Testing by Stabilometry in Diving.

AURORA´93, Dive Report, National Hyperbaric Centre, Aberdeen, UK. 1993;2:141-6.

Nordahl SHG, Aasen T, Molvær OI.

Balance testing by stabilometry in saturation diving.

Proceedings EUBS 1994, XXth Annual Meeting of the European Underwater and Baromedical Society. Istanbul. 1994 (ISBN:975-7958-00-x): 500-4.

Nordahl SHG, Aasen T, Molvær OI.

Balance testing in saturation diving.

Aviation Space and Enviromental Medicine 66 (10); 1995. Abstract

Nordahl SHG, Aasen T, Owe JO, Molvær OI.

Effects of hypobaric hypoxia on postural control.

XVI World Congress of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery. Sydney, Australia 2-7 March 1997.

Nordahl SHG, Aasen T, Molvær OI.


Forhandlinger NOLF, feb.1993;152:47-61.


Nordahl SHG, Aasen T, Molvær OI.

Vestibular Testing Pre- and Post Dive.

AURORA´93, Dive Report, National Hyperbaric Centre, Aberdeen, UK. 1993; 2: 147-50.

Aasen T, Nordahl SHG, Molvær OI.

Kaosteori og dens applikasjon innen otonevrologi.

Forhandlinger NOLF, feb.1993; 152: 63-9.